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Round Robins

Guidelines for competitive play Round Robins


All players should have a rating supported by the USAP Player Skill Ratings rubric that provides specific skills needed to achieve each level of player rating.

New PPA members who wish to participate in RR should:

  • Self-rate themselves at a level supported by the USAP Player Skills Ratings rubric

  • Contact the RR Captain of their self-rated level to arrange for a 1-week trial and suitability based on an average score of 7.0 for that level of play.  The player then needs to maintain a 7.0 average score or better to remain at that level.  Movement up or down a level may occur after the 1-week trial.

  • New players may also arrange for a formal or informal evaluation by the PPA reviewer, Rick Bothell, (IPTPA Level 1 Instructor) to determine their appropriate rating level.  A fee may be associated with the evaluation and should be discussed with the PPA reviewer.  The cost of the evaluation will be the responsibility of the player. 

  • DUPR ratings, or ratings acquired outside of PPA, may be used as part of the initial determination process. 

  • Player's on-line PPA self-rating must match the level of RR play.

Round Robin – All Levels

  • Game day rosters should be random and neither Captains or players should manipulate the player order to accommodate player requests for byes, or specific player partnerships.

  • Captains will maintain a spreadsheet to capture RR scores.

  • Captains will make score tracking for the most recent 8 weeks available to players involved in their RR.

  • Round Robin games will be scored on a 11 point, win by 2-point basis, except:

  • If a score is tied at 11, Sudden Death scoring will be implemented, i.e., win by 1-point.
  • If Sudden Death scoring is implemented, both teams will record an 11 on the Score Sheet.  The winning team will circle their score to indicate the win
  • Players who cancel less than 24 hours in advance or don’t show up for a RR that they have signed up for twice in 1 month without good reason will be removed from the RR invitation for 4 weeks.

Round Robins will not be played if:

  • Temperature:  Below 37 degrees Fahrenheit. 

  • Wind:  Speeds exceeding 20 mph

  • Court Conditions:  Presence of snow or ice.  Players are prohibited from removing snow to avoid damaging the court surface.

  • Adverse Weather:  Captains have the discretion to cancel matches due to other unfavorable weather conditions.

Image by Ben Hershey
Image by Aleksander Saks

Movement of Players (Up or Down) within the PPA RRs:

  • Players advance to the next higher play group when their average score reaches 9.7 or higher for the 4 most recently played round robins within an 8-week period.

  • Players who meet the 9.7 average score target may elect to stay in their current RR level.  However, if their average remains above 9.7 for a period of more than two weeks, then the player must move up.

  • If a player is unable to play on their new RR Day, they may ask the next level up Captain for a trial.  The 1-week trial is to determine suitability for play at that level based on an average score of 7.0 or better for that level of play.  The player then needs to maintain a 7.0 average score or better to remain at that level. 

  • Players will be asked to move down one play group level if their average score drops below 7.0 for the 4 most recently played round robins within an 8-week period.

  • A change in USAP sanctioned tournament rating may prompt a change in PPA RR level of play.

  • After discussing their assigned RR level of play with the Captain, a player who wishes to appeal their RR level should contact PPA Board member Rick Bothell, IPTPA Level 1 Instructor.

  • Players who have questions or concerns regarding the management of their RR may contact Ann Steiner, PPA RR Captain liaison, to discuss their concerns.

Description of RR levels

PPA Round Robin Skill Level 2.7 and below:  This level of PPA RR play is designed to encourage new players to become more serious about the sport and to develop a sense of competition.  It will serve as a bridge between social play and tournament-level play.

PPA Round Robin Skill Level 3.0 and 3.2:  PPA RR play is designed to simulate competitive or tournament level play in a safe structured CLUB environment. This is NOT social play, so expect competing teams/players to develop a court strategy designed to maximize their strengths. 

PPA Round Robin Skill Level 3.5 and 3.6:  PPA RR play simulates competitive or tournament level play for experienced players. 

3.7 + Players:

a.     Your PPA self-rating must match your RR level, and 
b.     You must play at your PPA self-rating (or higher) level in all PPA member-only tournaments


Championship Week Play

Approximately once a month, and generally the last week of the month, each RR group shall finish with a Championship match.  Using total scores from that day’s play (with consideration for any bye’s) the first and fourth highest will compete as a team against the second and third.  If needed, total wins will be used as the initial tiebreaker with a random drawing for any remaining ties. The Championship Game will be scored on a 15-point, win by 2-basis.  Guest players, i.e., a player who is not on the RR invitation, cannot play in the Championship Match.  The results of these matches will be posted in the News section of the PPA's online website.

Additional Information:

  • RR players will need an email address and have computer internet access since signup routines for the groups are done electronically.

  • Players who show up late for the RR that they have signed up for may or may not be able to play.  Captains retain the discretion to determine whether you can still play.  Generally, a player may be permitted to join if adding a player will eliminate a bye.

  • RR Captains may allow a guest to play to complete a team of four but may not exclude qualified PPA members from participating to accommodate a guest.  A guest player must complete a PPA waiver beforehand.  Waivers are available in the Lesson’s Notebook in the small shed.  Signed Waivers should be returned to the Lesson’s Notebook.

  • With the exception of guests as described above, all RR players must first become a member of the Prescott Pickleball Association.    Sign-up at   Once a player is a PPA member, they should contact the Captain of the RR level that they believe they are qualified for and request a trial.

  • Captains retain the right to fill an allotted RR roster spot with a different level guest player if it completes the roster for that day’s RR.  However, these guest players must be rated at the level immediately above or below this RR group.

  • Players who don’t have a rating but play competitively during the week can play in PPA RRs. Based upon skill, knowledge and game experience, a player may begin by completing a 1-week trial to determine suitability for play at that level.  The player needs to maintain a 7.0 average score or better to remain at that level.

  • When pertinent, players new to PPA RR participation must begin play at their USAP skill level.  After initial placement, movement up or down will be based on the players’ scoring average.

  • Players returning from an extended absence (injury, extended vacation, snowbird absence, etc.) can voluntarily move down to a lower level RR until they feel ready to return to their original higher level of play.  These individuals are not required to meet the standard 4-week, 9.7 promotion rules at the lower rehab level to return to their original RR group.  Captains should make returning players aware of this policy.

Image by Patrick Nguyen
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